Friday, August 05, 2005

Mega Unicycle

Man, I am just in the worst possible mood.

F---king F--k humidity in the motherf--king face. I'm sick of this crap.

I need days and days off. Preferrably without having my loud-ass siamese cat waking me up at quarter to 6 to be fed.

Everbody and everything is extremely annoying at this moment.

At least I have this image of a futuristic one person vehicle

I don't know a damn thing about it.

The image comes from , which I found out about because I finally signed up for NEDOD, which is a mailing list for nerdy new england motorcyclists (New England Denizens of Doom) and sends my gmail account a sh-teload of weird emails in digest form.

Can I ask, at this point in the internet's development, what the point is of maintaining a featureless mail-only list? What is this, 1987? Anyway, I'm off to have a lousy, hot, sticky day.


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